

Photo Galleries*

Our photo album has 24 photo galleries to showcase & share historical family photos online!  Profile images of the contributors are located in the Connections gallery.  Next are galleries devoted to surnames: Elcik, Gamache, and McClanahan. And finally, there is a gallery of family gravestones. Additional surname galleries and more photos are coming. We also encourage families to visit, Facebook,, MyHeritage, and Pinterest to search for other family photos.

Photo Contest*

Our own version of which came first the chicken or the egg.  Visual storytelling is the heart of our Photo Contest. Whether it is wiser to start with the contest or start with photos is something we will soon find out. Will content offering nothing more than bragging rights attract entries. We have dedicated a whole page of bits and bytes to find out the answer. Check out the categories, and then send your photo submissions to  We have it on good authority that all contestants over the age of 18 will receive the answer to the original chicken or egg controversy.  Believe it or not, there is a genealogy response. And we will share it if you pay the price – enter, and enter often.