Are there other Elcik’s to discover? Both the Ilcik surname in New York and the Elsik surname in Texas need research to determine if we are related. There is even a high school in Houston, Texas, named after an Elsik: Alief Elsik High School.
To find our European ancestors, we take additional steps to smash the “genealogy brick wall.”
These are:
- Adding our family tree’s data to the “One World” Tree maintained at Because the Church of Latter-Day-Saints sponsors this tree, it has a broad audience. We believe someone will connect our tree to another someday, and we will learn more about our “European” cousins.
- DNA testing with and MyHeritage is complete. This is good because the tests could provide hints that reveal “hidden” ancestors.
Hopefully, we soon will be able to answer, “Are there other Elcik’s to discover?”