Letter to Dad About Our Ancestors

Letter to Dad About Our Ancestors About Our AncestorsDecember 7, 2007


Hello!  You’ll never guess what I’m doing…

I’m finally taking advantage of the family photos you once sent me.  THANK YOU!

I have a new scanner, and I’m building “our family” a website.  As part of this project, I’m trying to do some genealogy research and have run into several pieces of information that you might be able to explain.

In September 1959, there was a Marriage in Maine between “John Elcik” and Helen B. Mosko.  Do you know which John Elcik this might have been?  Could it have been a second marriage for your father or grandfather?

[Only recently have I concluded that Helen B. Mosko and my grandfather did get married. It was the 2nd marriage for both who had been widowed years earlier. – Editor]

There are two “John Elcik” records in the Social Security records with only 10 years difference in birthdates. I know that your father (my grandfather) was born on January 05, 1896.  I think John Elcik born April 16, 1886, is a typographical error.  Is this not my great grandfather (John Sr.), and isn’t the date 1868?  I’m attaching a copy of two SS #s.  What do you think?

[I contacted Social Security for help, but the data they sent me back was no more than what I had sent them. I wrote a letter of complaint only to be informed that the data they supplied was all that is required for a passport. They, of course, were overlooking that both men had been dead for decades.  It will be years, if ever, before I try again. Also, the second John Elcik is a different individual. He is John Ilcik (1886-1962) who married Mary Maria Jonek (1887-1951). It will be years before we have DNA proof that these two me are related. – Editor]

The United States Federal Census is cross-referencing “Elcik” with “Elsik” in the 1910 and 1920 censuses. Were you aware of this spelling?  Any other spellings?

[I wrote a story (published with this family tree), “Why We Spell Our Surname: Elcik,” about this topic that you will enjoy. – Editor]

Do you know who the first Elcik to arrive in America was?  When and where did they arrive?  Please take a look at the 1910 census.  There appear to be two Elcik families:  John Elsik (Elcik) in 1891 and Joseph Elsik (Elcik) in 1901.  The 1891 record matches up nicely with the family photo you sent me and that I have kept.  The Joseph Elsik (Elcik) record, however, is confusing me.  There is a similarity of names but different birth years and arrival dates.  Could John and Joseph have been brothers?  What do you think?

[This remains a mystery. Is there a relation connecting the three Elcik (Elick, Elsik) families that immigrated to America in the late 1880s? I can connect two. We share a common heritage (Austria/Hungary), surname, and given names, specifically, John and James. We all settled initially in Lisbon Falls or Durham, Maine. Those that eventually went on to New York are part of the group I’m researching to see if a link can be established. – Editor]

Your son,
